United States congressional delegations from the Philippines

In the early 20th century, the Philippines was a territory of the United States. A representative, known as a Resident Commissioner had non-voting delegate status in the United States House of Representatives, much like Resident Commissioners from Puerto Rico do today. The Philippines had 2 Resident Commissioners from 1907 to 1937 and then 1 from 1937 to independence in 1946. These commissioners were indirectly elected, being chosen by the Philippine Legislature and the National Assembly.

The entire island nation was represented in one congressional district. Since 1946, however, the Philippines is no longer represented in Congress.

These are tables of congressional delegations from the Philippines to the United States House of Representatives.

Resident Commissioners to the United States House of Representatives

Congress Territorial era
Resident Commissioner 1 Resident Commissioner 2
60th (1907–1909) Benito Legarda y Tuason Pablo Ocampo
61st (1909–1911)
Manuel L. Quezon
62nd (1911–1913)
63rd (1913–1915) Manuel Earnshaw
64th (1915–1917)
65th (1917–1919) Jaime C. De Veyra Teodoro R. Yangco
66th (1919–1921)
Isauro Gabaldon
67th (1921–1923)
68th (1923–1925) Pedro Guevara
69th (1925–1927)
70th (1927–1929)
71st (1929–1931) Camilo Osias
72nd (1931–1933)
73rd (1933–1935)
74th (1935–1937) Francisco A. Delgado
Commonwealth era
(February 14, 1936 – Present)
Resident Commissioner
Quintin Paredes
75th (1937–1939)
Joaquin Miguel Elizalde
76th (1939–1941)
77th (1941–1943)
78th (1943–1945)
Carlos Peña Romulo
79th (1945–1947)


Key to party COLORS and ABBREVIATIONS for Members of the U.S. Congress
American (Know-Nothing) (K-N)
Adams (A),
Anti-Jacksonian (Anti-J),
National Republican (NR)
Anti-Administration (Anti-Admin)
Anti-Masonic (Anti-M)
Democratic (D)
Dixiecrat (Dix),
States' rights (SR)
Democratic-Republican (D-R)
Farmer-Labor (FL)
Federalist (F)
Free Soil (FS)
Free Silver (FSv)
Greenback (GB)
Jacksonian (J)
Non-Partisan League (NPL)
Nullifier (N)
Opposition (O)
Populist (Pop)
Pro-Administration (Pro-Admin)
Progressive (Prog)
Prohibition (Proh)
Readjuster (Rea)
Republican (R)
Socialist (Soc)
Unionist (U)
Whig (W)
or changed